ASPIRE Resources

Evidence and Research-based Practices for ASPIRE


Evidence-Based Practices


  • Using Published Curriculum to Teach Participation in the IEP Meeting: This document contains information, guidance, and links for these curricula ( 


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Using the Self-Determination Learning Model of Instruction to Improve Academic Skills

Using the Self-Determination Learning Model of Instruction to Improve Academic Skills


 Dr. Catherine Fowler & Dr. Susan Palmer provide an overview of teaching self-determination and academic skills across various academic domains.

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Video Library

Videos depicting students participating in their IEP meeting, administrators' endorsements of ASPIRE and Forum presentations can be found here.



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Teacher's Corner

This section contains lessons and documents created by teachers and program specialist in districts.  Please be sure to keep the information on the document that credits the owner.  Educators can make submissions to the Teacher's Corner through the on-line community.

All educator presentation for the Innovative Practices Forums can be located here.



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Master Index of GLRS Resources

This index includes a comprehensive listing of Train the Trainer materials and documents to be use by the GLRS in-house expert or the recruitment of districts, implementation and monitoring of ASPIRE and scaling up.  Brief descriptions and links for each of the resources are provided.   The index is available in PDF and MS Word formats.

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Master Index of ASPIRE Resources

The resources on this page have been recently revised.  Be sure that you have the latest version of this document stored on your desktop to ensure that you will be able to access the resources.  

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ASPIRE Brochure

This brochure provides an overview of the ASPIRE initiative and describes the benefits of participation for students, teachers, and families.  Local contact information for the initiative can be added using the word version.  

Available in PDF at:         


Available in MS Word at:



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Georgia DOE Self-determination Guide

The Georgia Department of Education's Self-determination Guide contains information about the importance of self-determination skills and includes strategies to assist educators, and families in building self-determination skills in students from early childhood through high school.  A  teacher's guide for promoting self-determination skills and increasing student participation in the IEP process is included in the guide.  Information is also included for parents to assist them in helping their children make informed decisions as they transition into adulthood.

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Helping Students Develop Their IEPs

This technical assistance guide was developed by the National Dissemination Center for CHildren with Disabilities for parents and teachers who would like to help students with disabilities become more involved in developing their own Individualized Education Programs (IEPs).

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